500 Hour Yoga TTC

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Philippines

500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Philippines is a professional level yoga learning course that involves basic to advanced level Yoga training. The Philippines due to its lush green surroundings, soothing beaches, and calm atmosphere is one of the preferred locations for yoga learning in the world. Thus a complete yoga learning course in Philippines is always bliss. 500 Yoga Teacher Training Course is a comprehensive yoga course that is suitable for yogis who want to fabricate a strong yoga foundation and deepen their teaching and practice skills. The blend of ancient yoga skills along with modern techniques, this advanced level Yoga course in Philippines can be opted for by experienced teachers or aspiring yoga instructors. 
This advanced level Yoga TTC program in Philippines covers a vast course curriculum that includes basic to advanced Yoga Asanas or postures, MeditationPranayamaYoga Philosophy, Advanced Teaching Methodology, Anatomy, and Physiology. Overall 500 yoga learning programs in Philippines help in understanding yoga in a profound manner. Also, the land of the Philippines helps in connecting with nature, practicing yoga in wonderful locations, and embracing mindfulness. 
This 500 Hours Yoga TTC program in Philippines not only limited to certification, but it also helps you in getting connected with the yoga community globally. The skills and perfection focused course set the tone for the journey of transformation of your yoga teaching career. This inspirational journey helps you in leading class around the globe with perfection. 

Course Highlights

Course Duration : 54 Days

Language : English

Course Module : Residential with Meals

Level : Beginner to Advance

Course Certification : Yoga Alliance

Course Date : 2nd - 29th of Next month

What You Will Learn

What Will You Gain From This 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training?

Advanced Yoga Techniques: 500 Yoga TTC helps in gaining maters and perfection in various complex yoga techniques such as Yoga Asanas, modification, alignment, adjustment, pranayama, meditation, and much more.
Comprehensive Knowledge: This advanced level Yoga Course uplifts your knowledge from basic to advanced level. You will gain a deeper insight of anatomy, physiology, philosophy, and teaching methodology.  

Teaching Confidence: During 500 YogaTTC emphasis is given on promoting better classroom management and communication skills. 

Spiritual Growth: Not only Physical and mental well being, this yoga course also helps in establishing a spiritual connection through cultivating self awareness, inner peace, and mindfulness activities. 

Overall Health: This advanced level yoga teaching course also focuses on the mental, physical, and spiritual health of the body. It provide a proper balance to all three segments of the human body.  

Recognized Globally: Certification of 500 Hours Yoga TTC is a globally recognized certificate accredited by Yoga Alliance to help in teaching yoga to others. 

Building Network: This yoga course creates a strong network or community of yogis and helps you in interacting and exchanging your thoughts with the various people from different backgrounds.  

Cultural Immersion: Get mixed with the rich and vivid culture of the Philippines while learning and Practising yoga.  

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Philippines
200 Hour Yoga Course In Philippines
200 Hour YTTC In Philippines

Advanced Asanas: In this course, advanced yoga asanas are practiced with modifications, adjustment, and alignment. Focus is given on learning complex yoga postures. 

Deeper Knowledge: 300 Hours Yoga TTC includes in-depth insights into the origin, history, and philosophy of yoga. This yoga course helps you to integrate yoga with spirituality. 

Specialized Techniques: Advanced Level yoga course in Philippines focuses on the perfection level meditation and Pranayama techniques. This course scale up your practices of yoga. 

Enhanced Teaching Skills: 300 Hours Yoga TTC make your path for Yog Guru very smooth and easy. It helps in developing expertise in leading yoga classes. 

Anatomy Mastery: In depth understanding of the biomechnaism of yoga and its effects on various human organs is the key part of this yoga teaching course. This in turn helps in preventing injuries. 

Therapeutic Yoga: Students will understand the role of therapy and healing in yoga. 

Confidence & Creativity: This yoga course provides class sequencing and conducting confidence that will help students fabricate their personality as a yoga teacher. 

Personal Growth: 300 Yoga TTC accelerates emotional resilience and spiritual awakening. 

Global Recognition: After completion of the 300 Yoga TTC, yoga aspirants are eligible to teach in any corner of the world with more confidence. 

Community Building: This Course helps in building a strong bond with various like-minded people. 

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Philippines

What Is 500 Hour Yoga TTC & Who can join?

If someone wants to learn yoga from the base and up to the level of perfection, 500 Hours yoga Teacher Training Course is the best available option. Accredited by the Yoga Alliance association, this course is an advanced level yoga teaching program. This yoga course in Philippines involves both the learning and practicing of 200 and 300 Hours Yoga TTC respectively. In the first month of the program, you will learn and follow the 200 Yoga TTC course curriculum followed by the 300 Hours Yoga TTC course curriculum for the next month. It combines both the foundational aspects of 200 Yoga TTC and the advanced comprehensive training of 300 Yoga TTC. This advanced level yoga TTC renders profound yoga understanding, practices, and teaching methodologies.  

500 Hours Yoga TTC course curriculum involves the learning, practice, and understanding of Advanced Yoga postures or Asanas, Meditation, Pranayama, Anatomy, and Philosophy. During this course emphasis is given on risk or injury free yoga asana practices and the eradication of any flaws in the yoga skills and techniques. Yoga sequencing, alignment, adjustment, and modification are the key highlights of this course. 

Yoga aspirants should be committed to spiritual growth and proper learning. If anyone is having prior experience of yoga, its good but one can also join without any prior yoga experience. The successful completion of the course awards you with a RYT-500 certification that can be used in teaching yoga in any corner of the world. 

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Philippines

Who can join 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Philippines

This advanced level yoga course in Philippines is suitable for persons from various backgrounds like:

Course Schedule

05:00 Am

Morning Bell

06:30 – 07:30 Am

Shatkarma & Pranayama

07:30 – 09:00 Am

Vinyasa flow Yoga

09:00 – 10:00 Am

Yoga Science and Yoga Anatomy

11:00 – 11:45 Am

Yoga Alignment

12:15 – 01:00 Pm

Yoga Philosophy

01:00 – 02:00 Pm


04:00 – 5:30 Pm

Ashtanga Yoga

06:00 – 7:00 Pm

Meditation & Mantra chanting

07:10 – 08:00 pm


Course Fees & Dates

500 Hour Yoga TTC Course Dates & Fees

DateTriple SharedDouble Shared Private RoomAvailabiltyApply Now
2nd Jan - 29th Feb 20251399 USD1649 USD1799 USDClosedApply Now
2nd Feb - 29th Mar 20251399 USD1649 USD1799 USDClosedApply Now
2nd Mar - 29th Apr 20251399 USD1649 USD1799 USD02Apply Now
2nd Apr - 29th May 20251399 USD1649 USD1799 USD04Apply Now
2nd May - 29th June 20251399 USD1649 USD1799 USD06Apply Now
2nd Jun - 29th Jul 20251399 USD1649 USD1799 USD08Apply Now
2nd Jul - 29th Aug 20251399 USD1649 USD1799 USD05Apply Now
2nd Aug - 29th Sep 20251399 USD1649 USD1799 USD07Apply Now
2nd Sep - 29th Oct 20251399 USD1649 USD1799 USD08Apply Now
2nd Oct - 29th Nov 20251399 USD1649 USD1799 USD09Apply Now
2nd Nov - 29th Dec 20251399 USD1649 USD1799 USD09Apply Now
2nd Dec - 29th Jan 20261399 USD1649 USD1799 USD09Apply Now

Food & Accommodation

500 Hour Yoga TTC Food & Accommodation

Yogic Accommodation

Praayurveda as one of the best Yoga schools in Philippines provides the best accommodation facilities. We believe in the fact that accommodation is a key factor in yoga learning. Our accommodation facility is situated in the calm and composed atmosphere of the Philippines rendering an immense amount of positive energy to the students. Our accommodation facility includes all the modern facilities and comfy bedding to make your yoga learning memorable.
We provide both shared and private accommodation facilities to our students with different charges. Additional services include 24 hours CCTV surveillance, electricity backup, space for reading, laundry services, hot water supply, and much more. Our rooms are spacious, neat, and clean to ensure a restful stay. Surrounded by nature, our residential complex promotes relaxation and mindfulness. Also, the chirping sound of birds and the pleasant breeze help in providing a soothing feeling to our students.

Yogic Food

A diet is always the key feature of the best 300 Hours of Yoga Learning process. Food as we all know acts as the building power of energy in the body. However, there are various types of food named rajasic, tamasic, and sattvic food. Sattvic food is best for yoga practice as it promotes calmness and enhances energy levels. We provide freshly prepared yoga food from organic vegetables and Indian spices. The proper blend of spices and vegetables prepared onsite supports the detoxification process inside the body. The meals provided in our yoga school are nutritionally balanced and enhance the process of rejuvenation. 
Sattvi yogic diet is helpful in enhancing spiritual growth, mental clarity, physical health, and overall development of the body. The yogic diet is inclusive of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, herbal spices, etc. We also use filtered water supply for our yogis to keep them away from waterborne diseases. All our food preparation is as per the yogic and ancient Indian techniques.

Course Syllabus

500 Hour Yoga TTC Philippines Syllabus

  • Meditative steps of performing the hatha yoga; centering, entering, refining, holding, coming out, and reflection
  •  Ashtanga-Vinyasa-Yoga flow – series 1
  •  Surya-Namaskara (sun salutations) – dynamic surya namaskara, surya namaskara with breathe awareness, surya namaskara with mantra chanting
  •  Types of Yoga posture- standing poses, sitting poses, backward bending poses, forward bending poses, spinal twisting poses, fire series, inversion poses, shavasana
  •  Postural alignment and art of adjustment
  •  Counter pose
  •  Contraindications
  • Science of breath
  •  Sitting postures for pranayama practice
  •  How to establish diaphragmatic breathing before pranayama practice
  •  1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 breathing practices
  •  Types of pranayama – nadi shodhana pranayama, ujjayee, kapalabhati, bhastrika, shitali, shitkari, brahmari, and anuloma viloma
  • elaxation in daily life
  •  Tension and relaxation
  •  Systematic relaxation
  •  31 pints relaxation
  •  61 points relaxation exercises
  •  Preparation for yoga Nidra
  • What is meditation?
  •  Meditation in daily life
  •  Sitting positions for meditation
  •  Two to five minutes meditations
  •  So-ham mediation
  • Introduction about anatomy and physiology
  •  The yogic study of digestive system
  •  The effects of yoga practices on digestive system
  •  Respiratory system
  •  The effects of yoga practices on respiratory system
  •  Effect of yoga posture on muscles and systems
  •  Nadis (energy channels)
  •  Chakras (energy plexus)
  •  Pancha tatwa (five great elements)
  •  Panchakosha (five sheaths)
  •  Pancha pranas(five vital energy
  • General introduction: six school of indian philosophy
  •  Samkhya and yoga
  •  Intro of pattanjali yoga sutras
  •  Highlight of astanga yoga: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi
  •  Introduction to Upanishad
  •  Life style and yoga ethics
  • Basic principle of ayurveda
  •  Basic doshas
  •  Tri-gunas
  •  Balance of the mind and Ayurvedic diet
  • Jnana-mudra
  •  Dhyan-mudra
  •  Vishnu-mudra
  •  Hridaya-mudra
  • Om mantra
  •  Morning mantra
  •  Guru mantra
  •  Meal mantra
  •  Gayatri mantra and more
  •  Suryanamaskar mantras – 12 names of sun

n Satkriya there is 6 procedure to cleanse your body totally, according to old Yogic books. These 6 satkriya are –

  •  Neti
  •  Dhauti
  •  Basti
  •  kapalbhati
  •  Trataka
  •  Nauli

Topics underneath will be covered During the 200 hour yoga TTC. teaching methodology

Step-by-step instructions to associate with your students, instructions to keep up with voice, instructions to change, instructions to enhance the class,  instructions to keep up with great energies

The most effective method to give guidance

RYT Certification

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Philippines Certification

500 Hours Yoga TTC certification program from Prayurveda Yoga is a globally recognized course that helps in teaching yoga in any corner of the world. By completing RYT 500, your skills and knowledge can be brushed up to perfection. The course includes theoretical knowledge assessment,  teaching skills, techniques, and personal practice. This advanced level yoga teaching course in Philippines focuses on holistic learning of yoga from its roots to the advanced version. This course also provides confidence for class conducting. 
It will help in boosting your credibility as a yoga teacher and open the door for teaching opportunities. We focus on providing quality education with proper certification. 

200 Hour Yoga TTC Certification Course
300 Hour Yoga TTC Certification Course

Why Choose Yoga School Philippines

Why Choose PRAyurvedaYoga for 500 Hour Yoga TTC in Philippines?

Prayurveda Yoga is the best yoga school in Philippines offering the best yoga teacher training courses. If you are looking for advanced course such as 500 Hours Yoga TTC in Philippines, Prayurveda Yoga is the best choice. We believe in exploring even the untouched segments of yoga so that our students can learn more and more. Key highlights of our 500 Hours Yoga learning program are as follows:

Yoga TTC In Philippines

What’s Included

What’s Not Included

Code Of Conducts For Students

Cancellation Policy and Refund Policy

Meet Our Trainer

Our Experienced Yoga Gurus

Yoga teachers are the backbone of a Yoga school. The teachers at Philippines Rishikesh Ayurveda Yoga school have travelled all the way from Rishikesh – Yoga Capital of the world to Philippines to share their vast knowledge of Yoga and Ayurveda with you. All the teachers are highly qualified and carry years of vast experience of teaching students in Rishikesh teacher training schools in the past. The teachers approach life with a Yogic mindset and teach with the intention of creating a better world for everyone.

Yogini Cecilia Ji Founder
Yogini Aarti Ji Hatha Yoga
Yogi Kirti Ji Yoga Anatomy
Yogi Ashish Ji Therapist
Yogini Kiran Ji Therapist


What Students Saying

Camila F Jàuregui BHatha Yoga
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I started my yoga journey with Cecilia Ji since Nov 2024. She has been absolutely wonderful in teaching me Asanas. Post my delivery it was really hard to do any workouts, but Cecilia has modified my workouts according to my comfort level. I now have got flexibility in doing asanas and never felt bored of her sessions. Looking forward to continue my yoga journey with her in 2025.. Thanks Cecilia ji
Sara Milian Argemi200 YTTC
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Excellent staff very kind and helpful humble specifically Cecilia Mam and their teachers Ayurveda, philosophy, hatha, astanga,and meditation.cooperative management solving all the problems of students very nice place very nice people I love that I had a great experience during my 200 hours TTC in PRayurveda Yoga School. I highly recommend it.
James O'HernYoga TTC
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I am so grateful for my experience at Prayurveda Yoga School Philippines. All the teachers & management are fantastic in every way. They are knowledgable, kind and supportive. I could not have wished for a better place to do the Yoga TTC. I have learned so much about the culture of yoga and Philippines itself, and it has impacted me greatly. I met the most amazing group of people and made lifelong friendships. I feel blessed! Thank you 🙏
Yutzil Segura300 Yoga TTC
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I had an absolute amazing time at Prayurveda Yoga School where I completed my 300hr yoga teacher training. The staff, the teachers and the accommodation was amazing and the location was right in the centre of Manila. It was a life changing experience where I learnt and developed so much and really felt I grew as a person. I reccomend this school to anyone who is interested in completing a course here or even dropping in for one class!


What Students Saying

Camila F Jàuregui BHatha Yoga
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I started my yoga journey with Cecilia Ji since Nov 2024. She has been absolutely wonderful in teaching me Asanas. Post my delivery it was really hard to do any workouts, but Cecilia has modified my workouts according to my comfort level. I now have got flexibility in doing asanas and never felt bored of her sessions. Looking forward to continue my yoga journey with her in 2025.. Thanks Cecilia ji
Sara Milian Argemi200 YTTC
Read More
Excellent staff very kind and helpful humble specifically Cecilia Mam and their teachers Ayurveda, philosophy, hatha, astanga,and meditation.cooperative management solving all the problems of students very nice place very nice people I love that I had a great experience during my 200 hours TTC in PRayurveda Yoga School. I highly recommend it.
James O'HernYoga TTC
Read More
I am so grateful for my experience at Prayurveda Yoga School Philippines. All the teachers & management are fantastic in every way. They are knowledgable, kind and supportive. I could not have wished for a better place to do the Yoga TTC. I have learned so much about the culture of yoga and Philippines itself, and it has impacted me greatly. I met the most amazing group of people and made lifelong friendships. I feel blessed! Thank you 🙏
Yutzil Segura300 Yoga TTC
Read More
I had an absolute amazing time at Prayurveda Yoga School where I completed my 300hr yoga teacher training. The staff, the teachers and the accommodation was amazing and the location was right in the centre of Manila. It was a life changing experience where I learnt and developed so much and really felt I grew as a person. I reccomend this school to anyone who is interested in completing a course here or even dropping in for one class!

Frequently Asked Questions

500 Hour Yoga TTC FAQ'S

The course is from 8 to 12 weeks.

While helpful, prior experience is not mandatory.

The Course curriculum covers advanced yoga study and practices.

Yes, healthy vegetarian meals are provided.

Yes, but consult your doctor and inform the instructors beforehand.

You’ll receive Yoga Alliance RYT-500 certification.

Classes run from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, with breaks.

Yes, accommodations are included in the package.

Just bring your personal items and notebooks

Hurry up limited seats!!!

For Early Bird Discount!!!

50/100/200 Hour Yoga TTC In Manila, Philippines