300 Hour Yoga TTC

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Philippines

The Philippines due to its natural environment, lush green surroundings, crystal clear beaches, and serenity all around forges it into the final yoga learning destination in the world. Whether you want to learn beginner level yoga courses or want to switch to the advanced level courses such as 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in in Philippines, it is the perfect place for your learning. The Philippines offers jaw dropping locations for your advanced level yoga course. Moreover, the vibes of this place are very useful in integrating your mind, body, and soul thus fulfilling the actual purpose of yoga learning. In recent times, The Philippines evolved as the perfect hotspot for yoga TTC and students are excited about joining the Yoga Teacher Training in Philippines
When you are going for the advanced level yoga courses calmness, positivity, and deep learning are always on the checklist. The Philippines completes all the checklist of your requirements. 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training program in Philippines is an intensive yoga learning program that caters to the profound learning and practice needs of yoga practitioners. After completing 200 Hours Yoga TTC, this course helps you to explore various yoga skills and techniques such as Yoga Asanas, MeditationPranayama, Philosophy, and Anatomy in a more profound way. Learning and practicing in this advanced level yoga course will help you brush up on your skills and remove any flaws from your technique. 

To ensure a personalized and holistic experience of yoga learning, students during their 300 Hours Yoga TTC are guided By experienced and master Yog Gurus. The mesmerizing atmosphere of the Philippines is ideal for self discovery and spiritual growth. The transformative journey of 300 Hours Yoga TTC in Philippines helps in shaping your teaching career and deepening your practice and skills of yoga. In Philippines you can expect a calm and soothing environment for your journey to perfection. 

Course Highlights

Course Duration : 29 Days

Language : English

Course Module : Residential with Meals

Level : Intermediate to Advance

Course Certification : Yoga Alliance

Course Date : 2nd - 29th of every month

What You Will Learn

What Will You Gain From This 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training?

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in Philippines is an advanced level yoga course that helps in gaining deep insights into yoga and meditation. This course is helpful in brushing your knowledge and skills to perfection. Anyone who has completed their 200 Hours Yoga TTC can enroll in this course. This yoga course is basically the upgraded version of the beginner level course of yoga. Students can gain various aspects from this yoga course such as:

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Philippines
200 Hour Yoga Course In Philippines
200 Hour YTTC In Philippines

Advanced Asanas: In this course, advanced yoga asanas are practiced with modifications, adjustment, and alignment. Focus is given on learning complex yoga postures. 

Deeper Knowledge: 300 Hours Yoga TTC includes in-depth insights into the origin, history, and philosophy of yoga. This yoga course helps you to integrate yoga with spirituality. 

Specialized Techniques: Advanced Level yoga course in Philippines focuses on the perfection level meditation and Pranayama techniques. This course scale up your practices of yoga. 

Enhanced Teaching Skills: 300 Hours Yoga TTC make your path for Yog Guru very smooth and easy. It helps in developing expertise in leading yoga classes. 

Anatomy Mastery: In depth understanding of the biomechnaism of yoga and its effects on various human organs is the key part of this yoga teaching course. This in turn helps in preventing injuries. 

Therapeutic Yoga: Students will understand the role of therapy and healing in yoga. 

Confidence & Creativity: This yoga course provides class sequencing and conducting confidence that will help students fabricate their personality as a yoga teacher. 

Personal Growth: 300 Yoga TTC accelerates emotional resilience and spiritual awakening. 

Global Recognition: After completion of the 300 Yoga TTC, yoga aspirants are eligible to teach in any corner of the world with more confidence. 

Community Building: This Course helps in building a strong bond with various like-minded people. 

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Philippines

What Is 300 Hour Yoga TTC & Who can join?

300 Hours Yoga TTC in Philippines is a yoga program for professional teachers who want to scale up their skills and knowledge of yoga. This is an advanced level yoga program that builds upon the foundation of 200 Hours Yoga TTC. This is a specially designed yoga course that helps in enhancing teaching skills and knowledge. It delves deeper into Anatomy, Philosophy of Yoga, advanced teaching methodology, and therapeutic application. 
A yoga practitioner willing to attain perfection and knows yoga in depth must join this Yoga Alliance certified course in Philippines. 300 Hours is a 28 Days course that emphasizes learning the advanced version. Moreover, it fabricates your personality into an expert Yoga Guru. This is a journey of upgradation with integrating your mind, body, and soul. 

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Philippines

Who can join 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Philippines

This advanced level yoga course in Philippines is suitable for various aspirants:- 

Course Schedule

05:00 Am

Morning Bell

06:30 – 07:30 Am

Shatkarma & Pranayama

07:30 – 09:00 Am

Vinyasa flow Yoga

09:00 – 10:00 Am

Yoga Science and Yoga Anatomy

11:00 – 11:45 Am

Yoga Alignment

12:15 – 01:00 Pm

Yoga Philosophy

01:00 – 02:00 Pm


04:00 – 5:30 Pm

Ashtanga Yoga

06:00 – 7:00 Pm

Meditation & Mantra chanting

07:10 – 08:00 pm


Course Fees & Dates

300 Hour Yoga TTC Course Dates & Fees

DateTriple SharedDouble Shared Private RoomAvailabiltyApply Now
2nd Jan - 29th Jan 2025799 USD999 USD1199 USDClosedApply Now
2nd Feb - 28th Feb 2025799 USD999 USD1199 USDClosedApply Now
2nd Mar - 29th Mar 2025799 USD999 USD1199 USD02Apply Now
2nd Apr - 29th Apr 2025799 USD999 USD1199 USD04Apply Now
2nd May - 29th May 2025799 USD999 USD1199 USD06Apply Now
2nd Jun - 29th Jun 2025799 USD999 USD1199 USD08Apply Now
2nd Jul - 29th Jul 2025799 USD999 USD1199 USD05Apply Now
2nd Aug - 29th Aug 2025799 USD799 USD1199 USD07Apply Now
2nd Sep - 29th Sep 2025799 USD999 USD1199 USD08Apply Now
2nd Oct - 29th Oct 2025799 USD999 USD1199 USD09Apply Now
2nd Nov - 29th Nov 2025799 USD999 USD1199 USD09Apply Now
2nd Dec - 29th Dec 2025649 USD999 USD1199 USD09Apply Now

Food & Accommodation

300 Hour Yoga TTC Food & Accommodation

Yogic Accommodation

Praayurveda as one of the best Yoga schools in Philippines provides the best accommodation facilities. We believe in the fact that accommodation is a key factor in yoga learning. Our accommodation facility is situated in the calm and composed atmosphere of the Philippines rendering an immense amount of positive energy to the students. Our accommodation facility includes all the modern facilities and comfy bedding to make your yoga learning memorable.
We provide both shared and private accommodation facilities to our students with different charges. Additional services include 24 hours CCTV surveillance, electricity backup, space for reading, laundry services, hot water supply, and much more. Our rooms are spacious, neat, and clean to ensure a restful stay. Surrounded by nature, our residential complex promotes relaxation and mindfulness. Also, the chirping sound of birds and the pleasant breeze help in providing a soothing feeling to our students.

Yogic Food

A diet is always the key feature of the best 300 Hours of Yoga Learning process. Food as we all know acts as the building power of energy in the body. However, there are various types of food named rajasic, tamasic, and sattvic food. Sattvic food is best for yoga practice as it promotes calmness and enhances energy levels. We provide freshly prepared yoga food from organic vegetables and Indian spices. The proper blend of spices and vegetables prepared onsite supports the detoxification process inside the body. The meals provided in our yoga school are nutritionally balanced and enhance the process of rejuvenation. 
Sattvi yogic diet is helpful in enhancing spiritual growth, mental clarity, physical health, and overall development of the body. The yogic diet is inclusive of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, herbal spices, etc. We also use filtered water supply for our yogis to keep them away from waterborne diseases. All our food preparation is as per the yogic and ancient Indian techniques.

Course Syllabus

300 Hour Yoga TTC Philippines Syllabus

  • Meditative steps of performing the hatha yoga; centering, entering, refining, holding, coming out, and reflection
  •  Ashtanga-Vinyasa-Yoga flow – series 1
  •  Surya-Namaskara (sun salutations) – dynamic surya namaskara, surya namaskara with breathe awareness, surya namaskara with mantra chanting
  •  Types of Yoga posture- standing poses, sitting poses, backward bending poses, forward bending poses, spinal twisting poses, fire series, inversion poses, shavasana
  •  Postural alignment and art of adjustment
  •  Counter pose
  •  Contraindications
  • Science of breath
  •  Sitting postures for pranayama practice
  •  How to establish diaphragmatic breathing before pranayama practice
  •  1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 breathing practices
  •  Types of pranayama – nadi shodhana pranayama, ujjayee, kapalabhati, bhastrika, shitali, shitkari, brahmari, and anuloma viloma
  • Relaxation in daily life
  •  Tension and relaxation
  •  Systematic relaxation
  •  31 pints relaxation
  •  61 points relaxation exercises
  •  Preparation for yoga Nidra
  • What is meditation?
  •  Meditation in daily life
  •  Sitting positions for meditation
  •  Two to five minutes meditations
  •  So-ham mediation
  • Introduction about anatomy and physiology
  •  The yogic study of digestive system
  •  The effects of yoga practices on digestive system
  •  Respiratory system
  •  The effects of yoga practices on respiratory system
  •  Effect of yoga posture on muscles and systems
  •  Nadis (energy channels)
  •  Chakras (energy plexus)
  •  Pancha tatwa (five great elements)
  •  Panchakosha (five sheaths)
  •  Pancha pranas(five vital energy
  • General introduction: six school of indian philosophy
  •  Samkhya and yoga
  •  Intro of pattanjali yoga sutras
  •  Highlight of astanga yoga: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi
  •  Introduction to Upanishad
  •  Life style and yoga ethics
  • Basic principle of ayurveda
  •  Basic doshas
  •  Tri-gunas
  •  Balance of the mind and Ayurvedic diet
  • Jnana-mudra
  •  Dhyan-mudra
  •  Vishnu-mudra
  •  Hridaya-mudra
  • Om mantra
  •  Morning mantra
  •  Guru mantra
  •  Meal mantra
  •  Gayatri mantra and more
  •  Suryanamaskar mantras – 12 names of sun

n Satkriya there is 6 procedure to cleanse your body totally, according to old Yogic books. These 6 satkriya are –

  •  Neti
  •  Dhauti
  •  Basti
  •  kapalbhati
  •  Trataka
  •  Nauli
  • Lesson plan
  •  Assignments
  •  Practice teaching
  •  Feedback
  •  Group discussion
  •  Question and answer
  •  Homework

Course Syllabus

200 Hour Yoga TTC Philippines Syllabus

Ashtanga vinyasa classes depend on the practice of Mysore, 6 series in Ashtanga vinyasa yoga, First( Yoga chikitsa ), Second( Nadi shodhan ) and the third, fourth, fifth, and 6th series are called Advance (sthira bhaga)

Ashtanga vinyasa classes:-

History of ashtanga vinyasa yoga graph of series Major stances ( yoga chikitsa) Breathing (ujjayi breath ) Bandha (lock) Drishtis (looking point) A few essential ideas

Hatha yoga classes –

  • Meditative steps of performing the hatha yoga
  •  Surya-Namaskara (sun salutations) – dynamic, breathe awareness, surya namaskara with mantra chanting
  •  Types of Yoga posture- standing , sitting , backward bending , forward bending , spinal twisting , fire series, inversion poses, shavasana.
  •  Postural alignment and art of adjustment
  •  Counter pose
  •  Contraindications

“Prana” signifies the substance of life itself, the fundamental energy in every single one of us, and each breath we breathe in. The breath is the core of every asana, its mindfulness and control are inseparable from all yoga practice.

Bit by bit in a sharp technique to learn as a matter of some importance to foster the cognizance and handle the component of the breath to steadily extend your actual capacity and continue on toward explicit pranayama.

  • Fundamentals of breathing
  •  Sitting postures  and balancing for pranayama practice
  •  Establishing diaphragmatic breathing before pranayama practice
  •  1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 breathing practices
  • Various types of pranayama – nadi shodhana, ujjayee, kapalabhati, bhastrika, shitali, shitkari, brahmari, and anuloma viloma
  • Relaxation in daily life
  •  Comprehension of rest states.
  •  The hypothesis and practice of the five stages of Yoga Nidra
  •  Tension and relaxation
  •  Systematic relaxation
  •  31 pints relaxation
  •  61 points relaxation exercises
  •  Preparation for yoga Nidra

Meditation known as “Dhyana” in Hindu Mythology is the seventh arm of Ashtanga yoga. Meditation classes are more centered around understanding and feeling the principles of meditation from normal to advance.

These modules will be covered during the 200 hour yoga ttc meditation classes-

  •  What is Meditation?
  •  Introduction to Meditation
  •  Practising and Teaching Meditation
  •  Advantages of Meditation
  •  Instructions to focus
  •  Trataka ,chakra, Mantra Meditations



In 200 hour yoga teacher training course you will learn the anatomy and physiology of yoga to reinforce the study, prompts, and remedies of asanas. The class will cover study on vital body systems such as digestives, skeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular systems , physical names of the body, significant joints of the body, terms of anatomical movements, yoga asana arrangement.

This class will focus on –

  • The fundamental way of thinking,
  •  Principle and history of yoga.
  •  Different Human body and physiology.
  •  The most effective method to Keep away from Wounds in yoga classes.
  •  Yoga act (Advantages, cons, and stars.)
  •  Skeleton life structures.
  •  Functional anatomy.
  •  Unpretentious body.
  •  Respiratory system
  •  Effect of yoga posture on muscles and systems
  •  Nadis (various energy channels)
  •  Chakras (energy plexus)
  •  Pancha tatwa (five great elements)
  •  Panchakosha (five sheaths)
  •  Pancha pranas(five vital energy

These classes will provide you with a profound comprehension of the human body, More data about Asana, pranayama, reflection, and what these practices mean for us intellectually and truly

Philosophy classes in 200 hour yoga TTC will cover :-

  •  History of yoga and Its Importance.
  •  Yoga Sutras.
  •  Bhagwat Geeta based Karma yoga.
  •  Pranayama.
  •  Eights Appendages studies.
  •  Four ways of yoga.
  •  Vedas, Upanishads, and Hatha Yoga.
  •  Six school of indian way of thinking Samkhya and yoga.
  •  Feature of astanga yoga: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi.
  •  Prologue to Upanishad Way of life and yoga morals.

Both Ayurveda and Yoga are part of the old healing system essential in balancing the energy, figuring out the causes of uneven characteristics in the life

  •  Prologue to Ayurvedic doshas.
  •  Essential of Ayurvedic dietetics.
  •  Everyday schedules of Ayurveda.
  •  Essential doshas.
  •  Tri-gunas.
  •  Equilibrium between the brain and the Ayurvedic diet.

The word mudra in Sanskrit implies a seal. In 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India, mudras are all the more suitably depicted as signals or perspectives – be it personal, reflection or mystic. You will learn all about mudra and the connection between the physical, mental and energy bodies as –

  •  Intro to Mudras.
  •  Advantages of Mudras.
  •  Bhairava Mudra.
  •  Jaw Mudra.
  •  Hridaya Mudra.
  •  Gyan Mudra.
  •  Vishnu Mudra.
  •  Viparita Karani Mudra.
  •  Jnana-mudra.
  •  Dhyan-mudra.


Mantra chanting is a part of bhakti yoga.

  •  Gayatri Mantra.
  •  Shanti Mantra.
  •  Master Mantra.
  •  Aum Mantra.
  •  Om Asato Mama Sadgamaya Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra.
  •  Morning mantra.
  •  Feast mantra.
  •  Suryanamaskar mantras – 12 names of sun.

n Satkriya there is 6 procedure to cleanse your body totally, according to old Yogic books. These 6 satkriya are –

  •  Neti
  •  Dhauti
  •  Basti
  •  kapalbhati
  •  Trataka
  •  Nauli

Topics underneath will be covered During the 200 hour yoga TTC. teaching methodology

Step-by-step instructions to associate with your students, instructions to keep up with voice, instructions to change, instructions to enhance the class,  instructions to keep up with great energies

The most effective method to give guidance


RYT Certification

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Philippines Certification

300 Hours Yoga TTC in the Philippines is an advanced level course of yoga that helps scale up the skills of yoga teachers. This is an advanced level course of yoga that stands on the foundation of 200 Hours Yoga TTC. After successful completion of this course, you will receive an internationally recognized certificate from Yoga Alliance. This certification involves the practices of advanced Yoga postures or asanas, Yoga Philosophy, and advanced teaching methodology.

The yoga certification course of 300 Hours teaches you how to handle yoga workshops and advanced yoga classes. It reflects your ability, expertise, and dedication towards yoga and teaching practices. After receiving certification you can relocate to any place in the world to build your name as the best yoga teacher.

300 Hour Yoga TTC Certification Course
300 Hour Yoga TTC Certification Course

Why Choose Yoga School Philippines

Why Choose PRAyurvedaYoga for 300 Hour Yoga TTC in Philippines?

Nested in the outstanding location of the Philippines, Prayurveda Yoga School is listed among the best yoga schools in Philippines. Prayurveda Yoga School helps you to connect your soul with yoga and transfer knowledge in every part of the world. There are various factors that help in choosing Prayurveda Yoga School for your yogic journey. These are:- 

Yoga TTC In Philippines

What’s Included

What’s Not Included

Code Of Conducts For Students

Cancellation Policy and Refund Policy

Meet Our Trainer

Our Experienced Yoga Gurus

Yoga teachers are the backbone of a Yoga school. The teachers at Philippines Rishikesh Ayurveda Yoga school have travelled all the way from Rishikesh – Yoga Capital of the world to Philippines to share their vast knowledge of Yoga and Ayurveda with you. All the teachers are highly qualified and carry years of vast experience of teaching students in Rishikesh teacher training schools in the past. The teachers approach life with a Yogic mindset and teach with the intention of creating a better world for everyone.

Yogini Cecilia Ji Founder
Yogini Aarti Ji Hatha Yoga
Yogi Kirti Ji Yoga Anatomy
Yogi Ashish Ji Therapist
Yogini Kiran Ji Ayurveda Therapist


What Students Saying

Camila F Jàuregui BHatha Yoga
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I started my yoga journey with Cecilia Ji since Nov 2024. She has been absolutely wonderful in teaching me Asanas. Post my delivery it was really hard to do any workouts, but Cecilia has modified my workouts according to my comfort level. I now have got flexibility in doing asanas and never felt bored of her sessions. Looking forward to continue my yoga journey with her in 2025.. Thanks Cecilia ji
Sara Milian Argemi200 YTTC
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Excellent staff very kind and helpful humble specifically Cecilia Mam and their teachers Ayurveda, philosophy, hatha, astanga,and meditation.cooperative management solving all the problems of students very nice place very nice people I love that I had a great experience during my 200 hours TTC in PRayurveda Yoga School. I highly recommend it.
James O'HernYoga TTC
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I am so grateful for my experience at Prayurveda Yoga School Philippines. All the teachers & management are fantastic in every way. They are knowledgable, kind and supportive. I could not have wished for a better place to do the Yoga TTC. I have learned so much about the culture of yoga and Philippines itself, and it has impacted me greatly. I met the most amazing group of people and made lifelong friendships. I feel blessed! Thank you 🙏
Yutzil Segura300 Yoga TTC
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I had an absolute amazing time at Prayurveda Yoga School where I completed my 300hr yoga teacher training. The staff, the teachers and the accommodation was amazing and the location was right in the centre of Manila. It was a life changing experience where I learnt and developed so much and really felt I grew as a person. I reccomend this school to anyone who is interested in completing a course here or even dropping in for one class!

Frequently Asked Questions

300 Hour Yoga TTC FAQ'S

300 Hours Yoga TTC is a 28 Days yoga learning program.

No, this yoga course can be enrolled only after 200 YTTC

Yes this course is certified and accredited globally

My daily schedule included classes like Yoga asana, philosophy, meditation, pranayama, and anatomy classes.

Yes meals and accommodation are included in the course fee

Our maximum class size is 10 students

No, you just have to enroll yourself

Yes one can teach globally after completing the course

Yes if there will be a requirement.

You can register via offline and online mode.

Hurry up limited seats!!!

For Early Bird Discount!!!

50/100/200 Hour Yoga TTC In Manila, Philippines